Why isn’t “Kung Fu Panda 4” Kicking Butt in the Box Office?

Nyiah Gesink – Staff Writer 

In the realm of animated movies, few series have garnered as much acclaim as “Kung Fu Panda.” With its winning combination of humor, heart, and stunning animation, the trilogy has left its mark worldwide.   

Starring voice actors such as Jack Black and Angelina Jolie, the films were set up for success. The first Kung Fu Panda, hitting the theaters in 2008, earned 87% on Rotten Tomatoes, with the third installment only one percent less.  

One of the key factors in the success of the “Kung Fu Panda” series thus far has been its ability to blend humor and action with emotional depth. The journey of Po, from a bumbling panda to a skilled warrior, has resonated with audiences of all ages. The movies have offered valuable lessons about perseverance, friendship, and self-discovery.  

With the success of the previous movies looming, anticipation for “Kung Fu Panda 4” was at an all-time high. However, amidst the anticipation lies the lingering question: is the fourth installment a warranted continuation of the story, or should the series have been stopped after three? 

It is widely known that sequels, especially in the world of animation, often walk a fine line between expanding on the beloved world and succumbing to corny additions that really add nothing to the world. So, how did “Kung Fu Panda 4” do?  

My emotions are mixed.   

As far as humor goes, the movie doesn’t miss the mark. Jack Black’s infectious energy shines through his character. Po is presented with a variety of challenges which he handles in the most Po fashion, getting him into a lot of hilarious situations.  

In addition, the storyline stays true to the themes of the other movies. There is a strategic villain, plot twists, friendships, and, of course, lots of kung fu.  

Regarding ratings, the fourth installment in the series has the lowest Rotten Tomatoes score, almost ten percent lower than the second movie. Many viewers are having a hard time with the movie, as they compare it to the first three.   

Critics point out that the plot seems a bit copy and pasted. While it proved to be unrecognizable and surprising to younger viewers, many adult viewers left feeling like this was a movie they’d seen a hundred times.  

However, one thing that did stick out about the movie was its stunning animation. With each new installment, fans notice the improvement of the animation. “Kung Fu Panda 4” was no exception. The movie was amazing to look at from an animation point of view.  

Overall, “Kung Fu Panda 4” is mid. Compared to the other movies in the series, it doesn’t quite meet the standard. But, as a stand-alone, it’s fun story and humorous energy make it a light-hearted nostalgic watch. 

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